Let's deal with these questions, as there are many rumors and contradictions. So - ReadAnyBook is a legit and legal site. Because books are legal all the time! It's not drugs or alcohol. 


The main mission of our site is to introduce readers to the work of young authors. We are very pleased when we are the place where books are first published. We appreciate it very much. Our site does not charge for posting materials so as not to limit creativity. It Is FREE!  This is an unwavering rule of ReadAnyBook! 


ReadAnyBook is in compliance with 17 U.S.C. § 512 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). It is our policy to respond to any infringement notices and take appropriate actions under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") and other applicable intellectual property laws. Because ReadAnyBook is not supporting digital piracy.


If your copyrighted material has been posted on ReadAnyBook,  you may notify our copyright agent (read DMCA rules).


The books are uploaded solely by our users.

The ReadAnyBook team cannot be held responsible for its user's posts or uploads, or any other actions of its users. However, if someone's rights or laws are violated, the site team will do whatever it takes to fix it. 


Many of the books on our site are out of copyright and in the public domain (copyright protection has expired). People can use and download them from open sources, including WebArchive. Some of our users, because of their great interest in books and programming, wrote automatic programs that added books to our site from open sources in the early months of the site. Now we do not welcome the automatic addition, because this is likely to have some errors, but at the beginning of our site, there were no such restrictions. Therefore, there is a lot of literature on the site from WebArchive.


Once again, I remind you: The books are uploaded solely by our users. The ReadAnyBook team cannot be held responsible for its user's posts or uploads, or any other actions of its users. However, if someone's rights or laws are violated, the site team will do whatever it takes to fix it. 


Since our users add a lot of books, we have automated the adding process. That way anyone can post their work on the site and share their work. But there is a problem we struggle with: digital piracy. Many of the books that are added to our site were written by authors for commercial sale. So you have to pay to read their book. Because we are not primarily a commercial project, we have some time limits on handling all copyright infringement requests. We have to check the literature, compare it to the original, and write responses to requests.  Again, we do not charge users or authors any fees. Therefore, we cannot hire an entire department to handle these requests, but we do handle them. 


We also implemented an additional mechanism to check the content of uploaded books with the ones that have been already removed from our site. So, once deleted book can't be added again. 


We understand that many authors are concerned that their works can be placed illegally, but we want to reassure you:
- First of all, your request will be processed sooner or later.
- Secondly, on our site, you can only read books online. Downloading books is not possible. The download buttons you see on the website are advertising for a third-party service, which has all the licensing rights. - -
- Thirdly, as the analytics report of our website shows, ReaderBook users don't read books completely. If you put a part of your work as a preview on Amazon, the same thing happens on our site - users usually read a small fragment of the book. A major misconception of authors: an electronic version of a book freely available on the site reduces sales. No, it isn't, because people can't read the whole book on the website. It's very hard on the eyes and takes so much time. Studies by scientists show that reading from a desktop or mobile screen is slower than reading from paper or special e-readers. 


However, don't think that we are devaluing your experience. We are not! Once again, we process queries as fast as we can. Yes, we have tried to do a completely manual check of all the books we add, but we have such a mountain of new work piled up that we have simply paralyzed the site. So we had to give it up. 


If you have read this little essay to the end, we want to say Thank you! And repeat it again: ReadAnyBook is a legit and legal site and the team is making every effort to make it so.