4 Horsemen (Sons of San Merced Erotic Motorcycle Club Biker Romance)

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The room shook with vibrations and the roar of angry engines, bringing about a quick end to my slumber. Crawling out of bed, I peered out my window curious to see what was happening. Circling in the normally quiet cul-de-sac were at least a dozen big deafening motorcycles. My eyes glanced from one to another, but ultimately fell on the bike at the center of the ruckus, a particularly big, custom, and chrome covered ride with an equally impressive man astride it. Behind him, arms wrapped around t...ightly, I watched the leggy and attractive blond slide off the seat.My mother, Jenna.I was born when she was just sixteen, the product of yet another of her awful and abusive relationships. My father was a car thief, and when his line of work landed him in prison, she moved right on to the next bad guy. I grew up watching the never ending stream of awful men. Drug dealers, a scary Italian with lots of scary friends, a tattoo artist, and now this. Trust good old mom to get involved with a bunch of bikers.

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4 Horsemen (Sons of San Merced Erotic Motorcycle Club Biker Romance)
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