A Field Ornithology of the Birds of Eastern North America

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A Field Ornithology of the Birds of Eastern North America
C J Charles Johnson Maynard
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From the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains. Winters on south Atlantic and Gulf coast.
122. RUFF.
A large, 11, stout Sandpiper, males of which are remarkable in having a cape of elongated feathers about neck and a ruff above it, fig. 124; face naked. Color variable, ruff and cape, either chestnut, buff, black or white, plain, streaked or barred; beneath and on sides of rump, white. . Female, with- out ruff or cape; plumage, barred with black, white a, nd rusty; white beneath. Northern parts of
...eastern Hemisphere, occa- sional in eastern U. S. But chiefly on coast.
Rather large, 12, with short slender bill; neck long; buffy throughout, darker above spotted and barred with black, fig. 125. Call note, a clear, rather shrill whistle. Flight strong and direct, with comparatively slow wing-beats. Breeds in the far north in N. A. ; goes south in Aug. At which time it is not 178 SHORE BIRDS.
uncommon on the coast of Mass. , frequent- ing hills near the sea.
The upland Plover, the popular name of this species, frequents hill tops near the coast, especially in Autumn, both in N.

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