A Glossary to By Gone Hours

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A Glossary to By Gone Hours
Pseud Dry Nurse
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— Page 51. Catullus, 81.
" I hate, I love, if why ? you should enquire, " I know not, yet I feel it, and expire !" If I were a Yankee, I might be able " to guess" that riddle, for a riddle no doubt it is, but being only an unimaginative matter of fact A GLOSSARY TO " BY-GONE HOURS. " 4 I " A universal passion holder thou !
" One at a time for most men is enow " 1 sometimes think that the lines you writ, on " ^^Miss Ellen, were meant for S h B n, " But you should not talk of ' nameless graces^'
..." It might raise a blush on ladies' faces, " And to tell the truth, it was scarcely riglif, " To call her a mountain, it was'nt polite.
Britisher ; I am in " a pretty considerable tarnation fix ! To love, and to hate ; not to know why I but to lay down, and die ! I give it up ! I wish Mr, Bering had given us the solution at the end of the book, perhaps it will be in the nej;(, for I understand " By gone hours, " is to become an annual. In which case, I promise, to contribute an annual " glossary.

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