A Handbook of Dorking

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A Handbook of Dorking
Dennis John
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95 been working for some time, an even more marked decease in juvenile offences has taken place. — In conclusion we give an extract from the Inspector's certificate, as to the state of the Redhill Reformatory : — " This Farm School retains its place as on the whole, the best organised, and most industrial, of English Reformatories. — In each of its departments, order and regularity are steadily enforced — and the working spirit encouraged, without neglect of mental instruction, and also without... coaxing or peculiar indulgences. The Masters, the Bailiff, Matron, &c. , continue to shoAV themselves very earnest in their duties. The state of the farm does the Bailiff, in particular, the greatest credit. " The Farm School can be inspected throughout the week (Sundays excepted), between ten and four o'clock, and Visitors may be sure of meeting with every attention.
To the West of Reigate lies the Heath. It is based upon the Shanklin sand ; and the quick rise and fall of ground that characterises these strata, and the absence of enclosures, afford both extensive views of the surrounding country, and opportunity for an open, breezy walk.

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