A New Primary Dictionary of the English Language ...

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Quality or state of being Ni'ce-tjr, J nice : — precision : — fastidious delicacy.
Niche, n. Shallow recess in a wall, for a statue, &c.
Nick, n. Exact point of time : — notch, — 2, V. a. To notch : — to hit ; to touch luckily.
Nick'el, n. Whitish metal : — five-cent piece.
Nick'name, n. Name given in familiarity or derision. — 2, v. a. To call by a famil- iar or derisive name.
Nic'o-tine, n. Poisonous principle in to- bacco.
Niece, n. Daughter of a brother or sister.
Nigr'g-ard, n. Miser ; chu
...rl. — 2, a. Nig- gardly.
Nig'gard-ljr, a. Parsimonious ; miserly. — 2, ad. Sparingly ; parsimoniously.
Nigh (ni), a. Near ; close ; neighboring. — 2, prep. Not far from ; near. — 3, ad. Not far off : — almost.
Night (nit), n. Time from sunset to sun- rise :-— darkness ; obscurity.
Night'oap (nit'kap), n. Cap worn in bed.
Night' -dress, n. Dress worn in bed.
Night' fan, n. Close of day; evening.
Night' -gb^n,«. Gown worn in bed.
Night'hSwk, n. Hawk that flies by night Night'in-gale (nit'-), n.

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