A New School Management

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Why, I have to spend one or two hours every evening in showing my chil- dren how to do their school-work. I am made a slave because teachers do not attend to their duty. What right have they to send children home knowing absolutely noth- ing as to the way to prepare their lessons, thus throwing the responsibility of teaching them upon the parents ? I am tired of the whole scheme. " Not many da}'s after that another father said to me : " My boys have nothing to do at home. They don't study, and ...they tell me that there is no need of their studying at home, for the teacher does all the work for them in school. I had to study when I went to school, and I am suspicious of a school that does not make the pupils study. There is something wrong about this. " Here we have two entirely divergent views by intelligent men in the same city, though their children did not attend the same school. Doubtless both exaggerated somewhat in their statements of the situation as they found it, but each was intelligently interested in the progress of his children.

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