A Treatise On Domestic Education

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A Treatise On Domestic Education
Daniel Alexander Payne
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Naturally, this early training must be : a. Physical. That body, of which the psalmist spoke, when he said, " I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psa. Cxxxix, 14), differs not from the body of the infant of yesterday's birth, be that infant Asiatic, European, or African, Shemitic, Hamitic, or Japhetic. However they may differ in the color of their skin or the texture and color of their hair, their anatomical, physiological, and psycho- logical structure is alike, and c...onstructed after one common type. They are all of one flesh and one blood. (Acts xvii, 26 ; et Genesis i, 26, 27. ) By the eternal and unchangeable decree, the same bones and muscles, the same veins and arte- 54 DOMESTIC EDUCATION.
ries, the varied tissues and nervous system mark them and classify them as man ; made of the dust of the earth and destined (after a limited period) back to dust again. To strengthen, in- vigorate, and develop this body, so as to make it strong and powerful and long lived, and to keep it all the time in healthy action, is the first duty of the mother or the guardian.

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