A Woman of Passion (1999)

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A Woman of Passion
Henley, Virginia
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The Greys moved their entire household to Chelsea, as Lady Frances declared that Christmas was for children and she wanted to bring Lady Jane from Hampton Court Palace to spend this time with her parents and her sister, Catherine.
“I'll be glad when Christmas is over,” Frances sighed, “and we can enjoy ourselves at the New Year's celebrations. I remember in the good old days, when the king finally rid himself of that religious fanatic, Catherine of Aragon, and was in hot pursuit of Anne, Christm
...as was spectacular fun. We celebrated with such racy abandon and merriment that the entire Court never slept and was intoxicated for all twelve days!”
Bess closed her eyes as the painful memories of last Christmas washed over her. During the year of her marriage to Rob, the days had seemed endless, yet looking back she realized they had passed in the blinking of an eye. When Bess lifted her lashes and saw herself surrounded by the luxury of Chelsea Palace, she put the bittersweet past behind her.

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