A Year & a Day

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Alicia added her hatred for Lynx de Warenne to Fitz-Waren's and nurtured it until it was full-blown. While she catered to his sick appetites, she planted seeds of discontent.
"Fitz, your father is the Governor of Scotland. Where is your pride? You shouldn't allow yourself to be buried in the wilds, living in this barren pile of rock, among peasants. Your abilities are being wasted here. A man with your talents would be much more suited to the administration of the country.
Think of the fortune y
...ou could make!" "I tried all my life to shine in my father's eyes, but so long as that fucking Lynx de Warenne was around, my father hardly acknowledged my existence!" "It is not right that Lynx de Warenne is your father's heir. He is not worthy! Why don't you convince your father that Lynx plots against the crown with Robert Bruce?" Fitz's hand tightened on Alicia's buttock and he squeezed brutally. "Is it true—does he plot with Bruce?" "Does it matter whether it is true or not, so long as John de Warenne believes you?" "The old swine wouldn't believe anything I said against the saindy Lynx." His eyes narrowed dangerously.

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