Across the Continent

Cover Across the Continent
Across the Continent
Isabelle Carpenter Kendall
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Following down the Missoula, which frequently is lost between deep, rock-riven walls, where the waters dash in mad confusion against hidden reefs at St. Regis the rails swing into St. Regis Canyon and point directly toward the dark ever-green mountains that rear their lofty heights on Montana's western boundary. The Bitter Root Range is one of the grandest of the Rocky Mountain group. Rising steeply from the valley, their slopes are covered with an almost unbroken growth of timber, presenting a...n imposing spectacle of row upon row, tier upon tier, of brilliant green, that extends from the deep valley to the very tip of the tallest peak. The railway makes a gradual ascent of this range, the line swinging from hill to hill, curving gracefully and pushing steadily upward. In a deep and beautiful ravine, where Dominion Creek leaps down to join the river, a narrow loop brings the rails closely together, but on opposing walls and differing elevations. For eleven miles the line rises continuously until the hamlets in the St.

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