Adventures of a Slum Fighter

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Adventures of a Slum Fighter
Charles F Charles Forrest Palmer
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Barry Parker, who had just caught the point. He rocked back and forth in his seat in the front row until the tears rolled down his cheeks. This delayed explosion set off laughter throughout the audience, but not so loud as to be boisterous. However, it did break the ice jam.
I then recalled to them how the Austrians had held back Bolshevism through such projects as the George Washington Hof and Leopoldau. The audience hadn't seemed to realize before that making jobs by clearing slums and rehous the poor, instead of making jobs in preparation for war, was using constructive rather than destructive means to solve world-wide unemployment. Their exchange of glances in- dicated agreement on the idea that if all nations cleared their slums and rehoused their poor there would be no need to go &Q war to make jobs.
Sir Raymond Unwin was first on his feet after the movie. There had been gratifying widespread applause and not a few calls of "Hear! Hear!" From the attention promptly given to Sir Raymond, it was plain to see that he was regarded as the dean of housing in Britain, just as his pre-eminence in that field was also recognized in America.

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Adventures of a Slum Fighter
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