All I Want

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His mind was not on what he should be doing, but instead taken up with thoughts of Prudence. He could not seem to get his last vision of her out of his mind. Her shoulders slumped, she had looked so defeated as she had walked away. That vision haunted him. She haunted him. Stephen hadn’t known her long, but she had certainly made an impact on his life in a hurry. She had also livened it up. With her around, almost every day had been an adventure. It had gotten to the point where he had wondered ...what would come next. The answer now was, Nothing. She hadn’t tried anything for a week, not since he had taken her to White’s.
Pushing impatiently to his feet, he wandered through the kitchens of his establishment and into the gaming room. Servants were rushing about, cleaning up from last night’s business and preparing for tonight’s. It had picked up again now that Ballard’s was no longer plagued with Pru’s own particular brand of havoc.
He would trade it all to enjoy that havoc and her presence again.

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