An Early Engagement

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Some are made in solicitors’ offices between the pages of Debrett’s Peerages and on county land maps. Some are even conceived in the minds and hearts of well-meaning fathers.
    “A fine day’s work, eh?” beamed the Earl of Stokely, who had the hearty good health of a country squire, vast acreage to field his sporting interests, and the continuance of his line assured if his heirs managed not to starve to death or end in debtors’ prison.
    “Indeed, indeed,” congratulated his friend, the Duke of
... Aylesbury, a somewhat older, more reserved gentleman wearing a black armband. My Lord Aylesbury possessed an ancient title, a position of respect at court, and immense wealth. Unfortunately, he had but one child, even more unfortunately, a daughter.
    With a sigh of relief, he had just promised the hand of this daughter, Lady Emilyann Arcott, to his old friend and neighbor’s eldest son and heir, Everett Stockton, Viscount Stokely.

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