An Unexpected Annulment (The Colorado Brides Series book 3)

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I glanced up from the book. “Are we expecting anyone?”“Not that I know of.” Matthias got to his feet, peering out the window. “It looks like Nathan.”“They’re probably wondering where I am. I need to go.”“Please don’t go, Ms. Louisa,” said Oscar. “The story was just startin’ to get good.”Matt had opened the door. “Hello, Nathan. What’s the matter?”“Hannah’s in the wagon. Paulina’s in labor. I’ve been told to tell Louisa.”“Oh, my goodness! How exciting.” I reached for my shawl. “I’ll have to finis...h this story later, children.”“You’re not leaving, are you?” asked Annie.“I’ll be back.” I glanced at Matthias. “She’s probably going to be in labor for a while.”“I’ll put ‘em to bed.”“I hope to be back with good news.” He drew me into his arms, which was surprise. The embrace was over quickly, and, when we separated, our eyes met. Something indefinable flared, promising and sweet. Whatever connection had developed had grown over the last few days.

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An Unexpected Annulment (The Colorado Brides Series book 3)
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