An Unexpected Husband (The Colorado Brides Series)

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Rosalind needed to be fed. “I’ll take her to Megan. She’s hungry.”The spell had been broken, and he sat up, reaching for the pillows behind his back. “Indeed. I’ve some reading to do, and I’ve kept you long enough.”“I don’t mind, sir…er…Brandon. It’s no bother at all talking to you.” Rosalind was over my shoulder, but she was unhappy, crying steadily now. “I’ll see you in the morning then.”“Church is at ten?”“Yes it is. I’ve never been away from my family this long. I’m eager to see them.”“I und...erstand.” He had gotten to his feet, tossing the pillows on the sofa. “Well then, have a good night, Mary. I’ll see you in the morning.”“You as well.” It was disappointing watching him leave. I stared after him for a while, but Rosalind required my attention. Then I had the cat to take care of. By the time I was ready for bed, exhaustion had taken over, and I was asleep within minutes, Paws curled up next to me, purring softly. In the morning, I hurried to get ready for church, choosing a nicer dress with petticoats and a knitted shawl.

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An Unexpected Husband (The Colorado Brides Series)
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