An Unexpected Love (The Colorado Brides Series book 5)

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When we had finished for the day and returned to Fanny’s house, dinner was fried egg sandwiches and milk. Exhausted, I struggled to run a brush through my hair, as my arms were sore.A knock sounded on the door, Fanny peeking her head in. “You were all very helpful today, girls. Thank you.”“Did it work?” asked Mary. “I couldn’t tell if there was an improvement. The bugs seemed to jump to other stalks.”She sighed wearily. “Yes, they did. They’re digging trenches tomorrow.”“I think I prefer school,...” said Susanna, who had crawled beneath the covers, peering over the edge of the blanket. “I never thought I’d say this in my life, but I’d rather do arithmetic than farm. I’m most eager to work word problems now.”Laughter filled the room. “Goodness, is that so?” Fanny’s eyes sparkled. “What a revelation. Unfortunately, we’ve another day to help the Weavers, and then we’ll see what happens. So far, our field seems fine. The pests haven’t come here, but we don’t have a farm the size of Hannah’s.”“Dig trenches?”

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An Unexpected Love (The Colorado Brides Series book 5)
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