An Unexpected Mother (The Colorado Brides Series book 4)

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The trail had worn down, narrowing nearly to the point of disappearing altogether. With the late afternoon sun having traveled westward, where it would eventually lower towards the mountains and disappear, we continued, the horses plodding on.“How do you know she came this way?”“The freshly dug ruts,” said Nathan. He chewed on a toothpick. “I suspect we’ll find her towards the foothills. I’m not sure what possessed her to take off in that direction, seeing that the trail to California is south, ...but who the blazes knows what’s goin’ on in her head.”I glanced at Pastor Bailey. “She was with you for several weeks. What do you know of her character, sir? Is there anything you’ve seen that could help us figure out why she would do something this foolish?”“Besides losing her parents and her uncle and being passed along to strangers? No.”“It’s not my fault that tragedy has struck. It happens to the best families.”“I didn’t say it was.”There was tension suddenly, which I found irritating.

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An Unexpected Mother (The Colorado Brides Series book 4)
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