An Unexpected Widow (The Colorado Brides Series)

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I fumed with anger. “How dare you!”“I’ve put up with more than enough from you now, Mrs. Clark. I’ve done nothin’ but help you in nearly every way possible, and what do I get? I get disrespected, is what I get. I’m sure tired of it.”“I was taught that a gambler was a wastrel. I’m sorry my upbringing wasn’t the same as yours.”“Jeesh! Just be quiet about that now. The more you say, the worse it gets.”People walked by, their stares interested. I murmured, “We should talk about this when we get home....” It dawned on me how intimate that sounded, how inclusive. Well, he lives at the property. Technically speaking, it’s both of our homes.“I’ve been nothing but good to you. I’ve worked my butt off for you. I busted myself these three days getting that corn in. I get no word of thanks from you. Not one. I don’t even get paid.”“I’ll pay you as soon as I sell the product.” I met his gaze. “I am thankful I met you. You’ve been very helpful to me.

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An Unexpected Widow (The Colorado Brides Series)
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