Anglicanism Considered in Its Results volume Talbot Span Classsearchterms

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Anglicanism Considered in Its Results volume Talbot Span Classsearchterms
William Dodsworth
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A. D. 1675, in high- church times, on occasion of a bill being brought into parliament, to impose a certain oath against attempting to alter the government of church aud state, the bishops were asked, "From whom they professed to derive their powers. The}'^ replied that the priesthood, and the powers of the priesthood came to them from Christ ; the licence to exercise those poivers [i. E. Jurisdiction] from the civil magis- trate. 'But, ' exclaimed Lord Wharton, 'excommu- nication is one of powers, do you derive from the sovereign the licence to excommunicate the sovereign?' This it was answered was to suppose an extreme case which had never arrived, and pro- bably never would arrive. "* That the Crown or the State still claims and ex- ercises the same substantial supremacy over the Es- tablishment, is manifest from many recent acts. For instance, the stale by its own authority, and without any formal assent of the church, has constituted and reconstituted bishoprics, divided dioceses, taking from one and adding to another ; has sent forth a bishop to the continent, and another to the east, investing its nominees with power to confirm, and ordain, &c.

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Anglicanism Considered in Its Results volume Talbot Span Classsearchterms
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