Balance Sheets And Profit And Loss Statements Analyzed And Defined for Business Executives

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What reading level is Balance Sheets And Profit And Loss Statements Analyzed And Defined for Business Executives book?
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. .
Less: 45- Reserves for depreciation Total Fixed Assets $.
DEFERRED CHARGES: 47. Prepaid expenses, interest, insurance, taxes, etc. $ .
OTHER ASSETS (49) Total Assets 15 BALANCE SHEET^ AND PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENTS FOBM OF BALANCE SHEET RECOMMENDED BY FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD LIABILITIES BILLS, NOTES AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE : Unsecured Bills and Notes : 2. Acceptances made for merchandise or raw ma- terial purchased .$ 4. Notes given for merchandise or raw material purchased 6. Notes given to ban
...ks for money borrowed 8. Notes sold through brokers 10. Notes given for machinery, additions to plant, etc 12. Notes due to stockholders, oflScers or employees Unsecured Accounts : 14. Accounts payable for purchases (not yet due) 16. Accounts payable for purchases (past due)...
18. Accounts payable to stockholders, officers, or employees Secured Liabilities: 20a. Notes receivable discounted or sold with in- dorsement or guaranty (contra) 20b. Customers' accounts discounted or assigned (contra ) 20c.

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Balance Sheets And Profit And Loss Statements Analyzed And Defined for Busi...
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