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What reading level is Bane book?
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Rathos was beaming when they returned. “It works!”
Ava raised her brows. “In the petri dish?”
“Indeed. This is excellent. You can be on your way in a matter of weeks if this continues to work.”
Ava looked to Kondr and nodded tightly. “Doctor, I need to speak with you about the next stage.”
Dr. Rathos frowned but inclined his head. “Of course. This way.”
Ava gave Kondr a hand gesture that told him to stay. She followed Rathos to a small office that had been built on a balcony.
The feeling of fres
...h air against her skin made her smile and being able to look out over the city caused an ache in her heart.
“What did you need to speak to me about, Healer?”
“I know what is required for the next phase in theory, but I don’t know how to describe it without complete mortification.” She dropped into a chair, and the doctor mimicked her, sitting close.
“Just say it. We have the initial sample to try on our volunteers, so what is the hesitation for what comes next?”

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