Banner of Souls

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Steam rose from the damp boards; the air was heavy with humidity. Fragrant Harbor and the ruins of Cloud Terrace lay far behind.
"I was not expecting to do otherwise," Yskatarina an-swered, vinegar-sour. She wrapped her arms about herself, swayed in the stormlight on fragile legs. "What did you make of this Prince Cataract when we spoke across the anti-scribe? The Grandmothers' Animus?" "He is old. He repeated himself over and over. I do not think he is sane." "Sane or not, he surely has knowled that we can make use of. Knowledge of the haunt-ship that brought them all from Nightshade, the place where Tower Cold's lost records are stored, where details of the hito-bashira are to be found." "He may have such knowledge, but why should he tell us? I would not put much faith in Prince Cataract." Yskatarina snorted. "I do not. Especially since he de-serted Elaki's sisters. I am surprised that he even agreed to see me, and he only did so after I told him I had informa-tion about them. We will have to see what we can offer him.

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