Basketball Guide, With Official Rules And Standards

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What reading level is Basketball Guide, With Official Rules And Standards book?
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22. May players catch ball when jumping in center and else- where? Answer — No; it must be tapped. See Rule 8. Sec. 11.
Question No. 23. When ball is tapped after jumping in center or else- where, can either one or both jumpers touch it again before it is touched by a third player? Ansiver~Yes ; retapped, but not caught. See Rule 8, Sec. 11.
Question No. 2!,. Ball is being tossed up by Referee between two players ; after it has been tapped and before any other player touches it, it goes to "out
... of bounds" ; Referee is undecided which player touched it last ; what is the decision? Ansicer — See Rule 8, Sec. 9.
Question No. 2.'>. When players are jumping for ball tossed up by Referee elsewhere than in the center, do the same conditions prevail as when jumping in center? Answer — Yes. See Rule 8, Sec. 9, 10 and 11.
Question No. 26. May a player dribble the ball while part of her person is touching the floor out of bounds, without violating the rules? Answer — No. See Rule 10, Sec.

What to read after Basketball Guide, With Official Rules And Standards?
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Basketball Guide, With Official Rules And Standards
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Guest 7 years ago

i loved the book i like everything about it thanks

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nevermind i hated it

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