Birching His Bride (Domestic Discipline 1)

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Their party was four courses into dinner and he was starving.
He remembered with clarity the exact moment of his downfall, last week when she'd suddenly started acting amenable after a long conversation about his favorite dishes and those that he disliked.  There was an astonishing lack of any of the former and a superfluity of the latter.  Even those dishes he did enjoy, such as a good fish, had been rendered inedible to him by the mustard sauce.  He hated mustard. She must have dire
...cted the chef to slather it on.  Mostly he'd pushed his food around on his plate, forced himself to take a few bites for politeness sake (and also because he was so hungry that even creamed turnips were starting to look appealing) and concentrated on entertaining his guests.  Also on trying to keep the furious glitter from his eyes.  He could see Eleanor watching him out of the corner of his eye but he refused to look at her. If he did he wouldn't be able to hide how furious he was with her.  Instead he concentrated on getting to know Miss Chandler better, a task made more difficult by the fact that it was becoming increasingly obvious that she and Eleanor's friend Lady Grace were acquainted and they did not enjoy each other's company.  Personally, he didn't particularly enjoy Lady Grace's company either but he hadn't made the seating arrangements so he was stuck with her for now.  The sly barbs that she'd tried to stick into Eleanor at the beginning of the evening had seemed to be just momentary female jealousy over the fact that her escort had been eying Eleanor's charms - which hadn't made him pleased with Conyngham either and even less pleased with Eleanor for giving him the opportunity.   It was obvious that Grace was used to having male attention focused on her although surely she'd shared with Eleanor in the past.

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Birching His Bride (Domestic Discipline 1)
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