Birds in the Calendar

Cover Birds in the Calendar
Birds in the Calendar
Frederick G Frederick George Aflalo
The book Birds in the Calendar was written by author Here you can read free online of Birds in the Calendar book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Birds in the Calendar a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Birds in the Calendar book?
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This harsh-voiced bird reaches our shoresin May, and it was on the last of that month that I lately heard itsrasping note in a quiet park not a mile out of a busy market town on theWelsh border, and forgave its monotone because, more emphatically thaneven the cuckoo's dissyllable, it announced that, at last, "summer wasicumen in. " This feeble-looking but indomitable traveller is closelyassociated during its visit with the resident partridge. They nest inthe same situations, hiding in the field...s of grass and standing corn, and eventually being flushed in company by September guns walkingabreast through the clover-bud. Sport is not the theme of these notes, and it will therefore suffice to remark in passing on the curious mannerin which even good shots, accustomed to bring down partridges with someapproach to certainty, contrive to miss these lazy, flapping fowl whenwalking them up. Dispassionately considered, the landrail should be abird that a man could scarcely miss on the first occasion of hishandling a gun; in cold fact, it often survives two barrels apparentlyuntouched.

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