Blank Verse

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Blank Verse
Symonds John Addington
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After a complete perusal of his works I find very little of the fluent grace which belonged in so large a measure to Fletcher and to Shakspere. Yet the first lines of the "Sad Shepherd" have a very delicate music; they are almost unique in Ben Jonson : Here was she wont to go 1 and here 1 and here 1 Just where these daisies, pinks, and violets grow : The world may find the spring by following her ; For other print her airy steps ne'er left Her treading would not bend a blade of grass, Or shake
...the downy blue bell from his stalk 1 But like the soft west wind she shot along.
And where she went, the flowers took thickest root, As she had sowed them with her odorous foot.
33 ^i: BLANK VERSE The melody which gives so chaste and elegant a beauty to these lines is invariable in the verse of Beaumont and Fletcher. We have too much of it there, and surfeit on sweets ; for in a very short time we discover the trick of these great versifiers and learn to expect their luxurious alliterations, and repeated caesuras at the end of the fifth syllable.

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