Business Manual for Music Teachers a Handbook On Profitable Business Management

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Business Manual for Music Teachers a Handbook On Profitable Business Management
George Charles Bender
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The following, for instance, is an example of how not to ad- vertise in circular form (see Figure 1).
Ludicrous as this may seem, it is not so very different from the circulars that are often found in our large cities. The disj)lay is ridiculously bad, and the whole circular has fraufl written all over it. Let us suppose that the signor had really been a great teacher, and had possessed a knowledge of how his business announcement shoidd have been made. It might have a})peared something like Fi
...gure 2 on page 30.
This advertisement is modestly written, and, if a truthful 28 Some Fundamental Principles of Advertising 29 statement of facts, is about all that can be said. It is appropriately worded and is printed tastefully. If the advertiser so desired he might have added his press notices, but since there has been so much corruption of the j)ress, both in Europe and here, the public has learned to place little or no value upon press notices.
Another form of an inappropriate advertisement would be according to Figure 3 on page .

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