Can't Stand Up for Sitting Down

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The book Can't Stand Up for Sitting Down was written by author Here you can read free online of Can't Stand Up for Sitting Down book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Can't Stand Up for Sitting Down a good or bad book?
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And it was very gradual too, with maybe two or three months between the first and second time.
It also catches you unawares. In the chemist, in the street, and when you least want it.
At first, people’s recognition is hazy; they are not absolutely sure who you are, so they take a stab in the dark. This is when you tend to get an array of mistaken identities and double-takes as you walk down the street. Some people come back and check. Then there are the surreptitious ones who walk past you and d
...o a double-take, and then do an about-turn and try to wander back past you as naturally as possible, while staring at you — and you can almost see the neurones firing in their brains. Other, bolder ones will march right back up to you like the police, stick their face in yours and demand, ‘Who are you?’ Some people just think they know you and say hello as they pass; I always give a cheery hello back.
Others turn it into a quiz. ‘No, don’t tell me, hang on … I do know you, don’t I?

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Can't Stand Up for Sitting Down
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