Chapters From Illinois History

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At daybreak the villains heard the reports of pistols which were fired as signals by La Salle, who was coming with Father Douay in search of the rest of the party. The wretches laid in wait for him, placing one of their number in sight. When La Salle came near he asked where his nephew was. The man, keeping on his hat and showing no sign of respect to his commander, answered that Moranget was behind. As La Salle advanced to remind the insolent fellow of his duty, those in the ambuscade discharg...ed their pieces, and the great explorer fell dead with three bullets in his brain. With ferocious exultation the assassins rushed to the spot, their leader repeating again and again; "There thou liest, great bashaw, there thou liest. " They stripped the corpse, dragged it naked among the bushes, and left it exposed to the ravenous wild beasts, refusing the request of the Abbe" Cavelier that he might go and bury the body of his brother. Tonty closes his brief and feeling account with this noble tribute to the man whom he had served so well, which Margry has fitly made the motto of his great volumes relating to La Salle: "Behold the fate of one of the greatest men of the age ; of wonderful ability, and capable of accomplishing any enterprise.

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