Chasing His Bunny

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In-Charge-and-Oblivious' plan to know that the group on Main could be a problem.  Although, even if he'd had the people to easily overwhelm the entire enemy force, the sisters would still be headed straight for Dr. Montgomery.  He was theirs to deal with, on behalf of their whole family.  Despite her terror for her little sister, Bethany still wouldn't have left Bailey behind, given the choice.  Both of them were owed.
Keeping to the walls, Bailey was a white blur ahead of Bethany; running slowl
...y enough that her older sister could keep up, even though she probably could have left Bethany in the dust.  She was a fast and furious little thing, and Bethany felt like a lumbering giant next to her, but she didn't care about her big size.  That just meant she'd probably draw the most fire.  Well, that's assuming that they'd be fired on at all.
She was partially counting on the fact that the doctor would want them, safe and unharmed.  And he'd recognize her, even if he couldn't know what Bailey looked like in this form.

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