Chinese Central Asia: a Ride to Little Tibet 1

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Chinese Central Asia: a Ride to Little Tibet 1
Lansdell, Henry, 1841-1919
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My card was speedily sent to the proper office to announce our arrival, whereupon there came a request that I would call next morning on Kah-lee-ooin-ee (or, according to a later version, Kah-i-chang), the Commissary of Russo-Chinese affairs, with an invita- tion that I would not eat my breakfast beforehand, but take it with him. This general invitation was brought by a messenger overnight, and on the morrow another messenger came to say it was nine o'clock, and biddi me to come forthwith.* I did so in a rough Chinese cart, answering to our cab, and was met by servants at the outer gate, through which we passed and crossed a court, to be received at the door of the apartments by our host.
He appeared to be of Manchu, or Mongol, or perhaps mongrel origin, but was hearty in manner.
After leading me into an ante-room and placing me in a position of honour, the ante-repast began with yellow tea and fruit. Then we adjourned to the next room for a more serious gastronomic encounter, four persons being seated at a small table, perhaps a yard square, with about half a dozen saucers thereon.

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Chinese Central Asia: a Ride to Little Tibet 1
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