Chinese Central Asia: a Ride to Little Tibet 2

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Chinese Central Asia: a Ride to Little Tibet 2
Lansdell, Henry, 1841-1919
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Our two djiguitts from Karghalik were replaced by Ghazim Haji and his servant, who escorted us to the Kilian Pass to help in procuring yaks. After seeing us safely over the Pass, these officials and sundry local helpers returned, which reduced my caravan to 10 m^ and 25 horses. We were favoured at Bostan with bright sunshine, so heating to my little tent as to make it stuffy and suffocating by day, whilst, by way of diversion at night, the tent was pulled down about my ears, I fancy by one of t
...he horses sniffing about for corn.
On rising next morning, our horses had strayed, their watchman having gone to sleep, so that we did not get off* till nearly noon. By that time the sun was so hot that I raised my umbrella, which the heat had not once made imperative during the previous three months since leaving Kuldja.
Our route continued down the river Kilian (called by the natives Dairmanluk) to its confluence with the Karakash, where stood, amidst a few fields, a fort, 2/6 CHINESE CENTRAL ASIA, called AH Nazar Kurgan, built by Yakub Khan.

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Chinese Central Asia: a Ride to Little Tibet 2
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