Christian Symbolism

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This was also the meaning- of the instances in the catacombs where she appears as the Orans, a majestic veiled figure with extended arms, that attitude of prayer still used in the Mass of the Roman rite, and here she is also the great Intercessor (not Mediator) with God. In her Coronation in Heaven she is the type of the Church Triumphant. When after the condem- nation of the doctrines of Nestorius at the Council of Ephesus in 431, the title of Beo-ro/vo?, Deipara, Dei Genitrix, was recognized the Church, pictures representing the Blessed Virgin sitting enthroned with her Divine Child in her arms became common. They were not unknown before that. There is a painting of the Virgin and Child in the catacomb of St. Priscilla which may be of the early second century, but the pictures of the Madonna, enthroned as Queen of Heaven and Mother of God, are testimonies to the faith of the Church in the Divinity of Christ. These pictures were capable of endless variety by the introduction of the secondary symbols.

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