Claiming His Wife

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 He'd been glad that she'd made friends with the others, especially Grace since there had been such friction there; now he was wondering if his approval had come too swiftly.
 Apparently none of them were a good influence on her.  Although at least she and Eleanor had stayed behind from whatever trouble Cynthia and Grace were getting into.   "Why did Grace and Cynthia go out?" he asked, leading Irene to the bed.   She looked quite soft and feminine, like a sweet paragon of virtues in her pale gr
...een dress.  The look she gave him, however, was anything but.  "For private reasons." Hugh raised his eyebrow.  It was obvious that Irene knew she was going to be punished, and yet she was still defying him?  On the other hand, if she had been sworn to secrecy by her confederates, then he could understand her stubbornness a bit.
"Anything that will affect us?" he asked, mildly.  As much as he wanted his wife to share everything with him, he also knew that he had to accept there would be occasions when she was the confidant of other people's secrets.

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