Concerning the Bi Literal Cypher of Francis Bacon Discovered in His Works Pros

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John Holt Schooling, the critic of the Literary Wo7id, and others, have done this with sufiicient elaboration. Then, too, in De Augmentis Scientiarum they are fully illus- trated and clearly taught by the great inventor himself.
Few realize that Bacon's own explanation was withheld until the very last of his career. Without the key, the cipher could not have been discovered, and in that lay his safety. In that, too, the importance of the cipher was shown, for in stat- ing that he invented it in
... his youth, and explaining the same in his age, he set his seal upon it, so to speak, as something useful and worthy of preservation.
And again, there is that very marked reference to this cipher in the 1605 edition of the Advancement of Learning — that "quintuple proportion" required in no other" — so that a summary gives us: Invented 1579, mentioned 1605, illustrated 1623, employed a lifetime before it was explained, as I have now proved true by actual decipherment from fifty-five different books.

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