Dealing With Discipline

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The book Dealing With Discipline was written by author Here you can read free online of Dealing With Discipline book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Dealing With Discipline a good or bad book?
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She'd dismissed Poppy in order to do so, as this wasn't something she felt comfortable having a maid around to witness.  Staring at her stomach, she ran her hand over it and wondered if there might be a baby growing in there.  Certainly she and Edwin engaged in intimacies often enough that it must be possible.
The question of a baby had arisen in her mind more than once, but often she pushed the idea off to the side, not wanting to worry about whether or not Edwin's passionate interest in her mi
...ght alter once she was with child.
  Perhaps that would be the true proof of his affections... if they waned after she provided him with an heir.  But could she wait that long?
 Falling more in love with him every day, wondering, yearning.
 Constantly testing, because she knew deep down that she wouldn't be able to stop.  She knew that if she asked he would tell her what she wanted to hear, but how could she trust such a declaration? Only a freely given one was truly dependable.  The creak of the door behind her made her jump and she covered her breasts and mound with her hands, eyes flashing up to see her husband entering their bedchamber.

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Dealing With Discipline
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