Decline of American Shipping Its Causes And Remedy

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Decline of American Shipping Its Causes And Remedy
John Henry Allen
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00 Shipping fees, 40. 00 Articles, log-book, etc. , 3. 00 8508. 00 Received payment, C. C. DUNCAN, U. S. S. Com.
per Fred C. Duncan.
That the Hospital Tax is not the mere bagatelle you are asked to believe is evidenced by the following : HOSPITAL-DUES RECEIPT.
Keceived from Mary E. Allen, owner of the "Ship Bridgewater, " of Boston the sum of Three hundred and thirty -two dollars, amount of Hospital-Dues for Officers and Seaman, up to and including the 24th day of September, 1884. PORT OF NEW Y
K. WYNKOOP, Dep. Collector.
The bona-fide Shipowner is never a mendicant, He has no place in your " lob- by ' ' and does not want a general contribution from the people ycleped ' ' sub- sidy " to aid him in his enterprises. He does however need freedom, which he once thought his inalienable right, without which he can never be commercially aggressive: experience having taught him that in proportion to weighting his ship with taxes and restrictions, in lieu of merchandise, is his sphere contracted and solvency impaired.

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