Dental Caries And Its Causes An Investigation Into the Influence of Fungi in Th

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Dental Caries And Its Causes An Investigation Into the Influence of Fungi in Th
Theodor Leber
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Substance can be shown there is found the presence of the fungus, so that the question whether or no the acids alone could produce ravages more considerable is without impor- tance. But in the early stage, when the surface of the tooth is still polished and intact, we have never been able to prove the presence of the fungus ; it appears, therefore, that at this stage of the malady, Avhich constitutes the dry caries, prop- erly so called, all the disorders must be attributed to the sole action o...f acids. The development of the fungus seems to be favored b}' a neutral or sliglitly acid medium, whilst it cannot flourish in a strongly alkaline liquid. We have already called attention to the observation of Dr. Bowditch, who has seen the para- sites disappear upon rinsing the mouth with a solution of soap. M. A. Yogel found that the fungus, oidium albicans, continued to develop in pure Avater, in solutions of salts with- out alkaline reaction, and especiall}^ in solutions of sugar; whilst no proliferation could take place in solutions slightly alkaline.

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