Diversions of a Diplomat in Turkey

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They returned upon their Eastern track in the sixteenth century. The language spoken by them is a mixture of bad Spanish, worse Greek and infamous Turkish. Ever since these Jews were banished from Spain by the bigoted King Philip II. They have had little fair play in the arena of mankind. But Constantinople cannot compare with some other cities of the East for its Hebrew population.
Salonica has 35, 000 Jews. It is a commercial place with a future. It is a paradise for Jews. When you are rowed
...ashore there, your boatman is an Israelite masquerading in Turkish fez and trousers. On landing, you are hustled by 187 1 88 DIVERSIONS OF A DIPLOMAT IN TURKEY.
porters in turbans and red shoes ; but they are Jews. You enter the Custom-house: the mob of officers, with their continuous gabble, are Jews. Jews in turbans and Jews out of turbans; Jews as builders of houses and Jews as barbers the children of Israel are everywhere, in every kind of work. They are dealers in metals, in old clothes, and in almost every object that belongs to the city where Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles, preached to the Thessa- lonians nearly 2, 000 years ago.

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