Down the Ravine a Story

Cover Down the Ravine a Story
Down the Ravine a Story
Charles Egbert Craddock
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An' though thar war a right smart fire on the h'a'th, he war shiverin' an' shakin' over it, jes' the same ez ef he war out at the wood-pile, pickin' up chips on a frosty mornin'. " And Rufe crouched over, shivering in every limb, in equally excellent mimicry of a ghost- seer, or an unwilling chip-picker under stress of weather.
" My ! " he exclaimed with a fresh burst of laughter; "whenst Tom tole me 'bout'n it I war so tickled I war feared I 'd fall. I los' the use o' my tongue. I could n't st
...op laffin' long enough ter tell Tom what I war laffin' at. An' ez Tom knowed I war snake-bit las' June, he went home an' tole his mother ez the p'ison hed done teched me in the head, an' said he reckoned, ef the tmth war knowed, I hed fits ez a constancy. I say Jits ! " Once more the bewildered tanner glanced from one to the other.
DOWN THE RAVINE. 137 "Why, ye never tole me ez ye hed seen su'thin' strange in the woods, Andy, " he ex claimed, feeling aggrieved, thus balked of a sensation. "An 5 the old woman ain't dead, nohow, " he continued reasonably, " but air strengthenin' up amazin' fast.

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