Economics And Syndicalism

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Economics And Syndicalism
Adam Willis Kirkaldy
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As to private propert} 7, if it consisted of investments worthy of compensation, it was rightful. As to the relations that should subsist between capital and labour, harmony, not strife, should be the aim the fight should be between the industrious and the idle. Society ought to be so organised that all its members must work. Indeed, it may be said that one of the greatest, if not the greatest, contribution made by St Simon to the subject was the necessity of work by all. The central teaching o...f his system was that the labour 50 ECONOMICS AND SYNDICALISM of the entire community should be so directed that the physical and moral condition of all its members would benefit. To this end the nation should be organised on an industrial basis. But as the people were not yet lit to govern in the industrial sphere, this duty must be entrusted to scientific experts, industrial chiefs. Government proper would be limited to other spheres and to giving the heads of the industrial associations a free hand.

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