Educational Guidance; An Experimental Study in the Analysis And Prediction of Ability of High School Pupils

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What reading level is Educational Guidance; An Experimental Study in the Analysis And Prediction of Ability of High School Pupils book?
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grader 2 1 2 3 2.5 15.5 -29 100 20 197 -11 324 20 32 60 Educational Guidance In the following sample only the detailed grading is given where the judgment of the grader is involved: Name (Pupil No. 14).
Question 1.
Combination of all the magazines, except that one marked "A." (56) A, Life (See question 2) (10) Date.
66 Grade of Same for Factor Con- tributing TO Total Grade M E 160 30 190 2.9 H 83 30 113 1.7 Average grade 33 Xaverage grade Question 2.
"I enjoy it because it is humorous and has s
...ome very in- teresting comments on the important things which are at- tracting attention." The interest here shown in current events warrants the in- crease in the history grading of Life, so, for this individual, the magazine is graded 3 for history instead of 1.
Questions 3-9.
Sum of the grades for questions 3 to 9 inclusive . .
Mi Ei Hi 96 59 39 56 135 Special Tests and Their Significance Question 10: Terms and definitions of same 61 a. simile "A simile is a certain kind of a sentence." b. cube root — "I can't explain." c.

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