Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind

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Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind
Stewart, Dugald, 1753-1828
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Had " Harry the Fourth, Cardinal Richlieu, and Louis Ci the Fourteenth, been Spaniards ; and Philip the " Second, Third and Fourth, and Charles the Sec- " ond, been Frenchmen ; the hiftory of thefe na/- " lions had been entirely reverfed. " From thefe principles, it would feem to be a ne. - ccflary confequence, that, in proportion as the cir- cumftances fliall operate which I have b$en endeav- oring to iiluftrate, the whole fyfiem of human affairs including both the domeftic order of fociety in... par- ticular {bites, n. Nd the relations which exift among different communities, in confequence of war and 244* ELEMENTS OF THE PHILOSOPHY negociation, will be fubjefted to the influence of caufes which are " known and determinate. " Thofe domeftic . Affairs, which, jccording to Mr. Hume, are already proper fubjecls of reafoningand obfervation, in confequence of their dependence on general iri- terefts and pailions, will become fo, more and more, daily, as prejudices fhall decline, and knowledge fliall be diffufed among the lower orders : while the re- lations among the different ftates, which have depen- ded hitherto, in a great meafure, on the " whim, " folly, and caprice, " of fingle perfons, will be grad- ually more ar.

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Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind
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