Elsie Lindtner

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These words of Scripture occurred to me when I read your letter. That is the eternal circle ... In this case the circle of your family. Your grandfather was a renegade from the calling of his forefathers when he became a towns- man. Your father degenerated, and now you have gone back to the land.
Magna, Magna, I admire you. Of course, I am heart and soul for the enterprise. In this manner my money will become a breathing, living entity, doing its own work, and reaping its own reward. Don't talk
... about being cautious. I am running no risks. I know what I am about. Your lawyer's letter informs me in business language that the undertaking is " sound/' besides I am not giving the whole or even half the capital.
14* Elsie Lindtney I need no assurances that you will carry the thing through. But read before you begin a little book by Flaubert. I don't mind betting you have never heard of it. It is called, " Bouvard et Pecuchet. " A prospective agriculturist can learn a good deal from it. It's splendid that Jarl is so keen on farming.

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