Endangered Species Act Reauthorization Woodland Hearing Before the Subcommitt

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Endangered Species Act Reauthorization Woodland Hearing Before the Subcommitt
Zation Woodland203a20hearing20before20the20
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4 mil- lion acres. Again, solely for economic considerations. So the message is clear, the ESA is working, it has not brought about the economic armRgeddon predicted by the Act's detractors. The forest issue is many more species than just owls. As Nat Bingham testified and Dr. Moyle testified briefly, there are fish species involved in the forest issue, as well. A recent report done for the Clinton Administration listed 667 species associated with older forests potentially at risk. Mr. Chairman..., one of the reasons that The Wilderness Society and the Endangered Species Coalition supports your Bill is that it will help Federal agencies get ahead of the curve. The recent events in the Sierra Nevada centered on the California spotted owl provide a good example of one preventive effort. And I will try to briefly summarize the steps that went through in that effort. As it had done in the north, the Forest Service had relied on the SOHA strategy for the protection of the California spotted owl.

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Endangered Species Act Reauthorization Woodland Hearing Before the Subcommitt
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