Englands Parnassus

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What reading level is Englands Parnassus book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

. Wanders] to seize the souls that wander 1247. Albions England, 1597, p. 41, ii. 9.
I. Faire] That 2. Rules] rubs 3. In] at 1248. Orlando Furioso, 1591, xiii. G. I. Parts] harts 2. Th'] their 1249. Legend of Matilda, 1596, st. 121.
1250. Orlando Furioso, 1591, xxxviii. 48. 4. Bethought] be thought 1251. By Sir Thomas Elyot : The Governour, 1531, st. 2 (Croft's Reprint, vol. Ii, p. 9).
Should be : ' If luste or anger do thy mynde assaile. Subdue occasion, and thou shalte sone preuaile. ' See no
...te to No. 259.
1252. Scourge of Villany, To Detraction, 1598, 1. 17.
1253. Tragedy of Cleopatra, 1594, 1. 402 (Grosart). 7. Promisest] promisedst 9. Is] tis 1254. Civil Wars, 1599, v. 114.
464 REFERENCES AND NOTES, 1255. Skialetheia, 1598, sat. Vi (Collier's Reprint, p. 52).
I. Let vs] No ; let's 6. Nature] Malice 7. Kisse of griefe] hisse of geese Note the ludicrous error in 1. 7.
1256. The Triumph of Faith, 1592, first song, Sig. B 2, p. 4.
1. Patience doth beare] And Pacience beares 1257. Legend of Humphrey, Duke of Gloster, 1600, st.

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