Essays of a Birmingham Manufacturer

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Essays of a Birmingham Manufacturer
Sargant, William Lucas, 1809-1889
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not even imder the magic influence of property : and without a sudden and radical change the peasant properties would not survive the first generation.
I have besides, expressed an opinion, foimded on the statements of French democratic thinkers, that peasant proprietorship in its full vigour, is in one important respect highly objectionable : that it makes men over-fond of getting and saving ; that it renders them narrow, selfish, grasping, neghgent of filial piety, indifferent to the good opi
...nion of their neigh- bours ; with a firugahty that runs into penuriousness, and an independence that ends in isolation. We may well shrink fi-om the prospect of the open hearted and kindly Irish turned into cold, niggardly, money- grubbers. I do not beheve that the change is possible : I am quite sure that if it were possible it would be hatefiil. An "heroic remedy" indeed, which would convert a generous nation into a nation of misers 1 One other organization has been suggested : that of tenants in perpetuity at a fixed rent : the equiva- lent of that which is known in Bengal as the "Permanent Settlement." This measure of Lord Comwallis has led to singular differences of opinion : it has been extolled by some as a great example of political wisdom ; it has been condemned by others as a shortsighted sacrifice of future wealth to present tranquillity.

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