Essays On Men And Women

Cover Essays On Men And Women
Essays On Men And Women
Charles Augustin Sainte Beuve
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" So it was with Mme. Eoland. Among all these excellent and worthy men she sought in vain for a great character, able, in this crisis, to reassure and rally by his counsels the party of right. Oh, in those days how she must have mourned for the honest and disinterested Mirabeau ! Even while she adjures Brissot to assume the command, we can see that she trusts him little, knowing him to be excessively hopeful, and of a pliant and even guileless nature. Could she herself, had she been a man, have... become the good genius of patriotism, the saviour of the land ? We love to think so ; and there is nothing in her conduct at this time which belies the presence in her of a clairvoyant daring, a vast and most apposite ability.
But, confining ourselves to her estimate of others, since, by reason of her sex, she was hampered and in- adequate in action, we are struck by the soundness of her judgment, and the keenness of her insight, even when clouded by passion. Her invectives against Garat, for instance, are extremely severe, and allow no glimpse of the subordinate qualities of that man of talent and even sensi- bility, who was amiable and fluent, and as good and sincere as one may be who is only a brilliant sophist, and un- tcmpered by virtue.

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