Essays On Scandinavian Literature

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    "'Look, this is the way you should hold yourselves, ' said the copy, 'sloping this way with a bold swing. ' 'Oh, we should be very glad to do that, ' answered Hjalmar's letters, 'but we can't. We are so weakly. ' 'Then you must take medicine, ' said the Sandman. 'Oh, no, no, ' cried they, and straightway they stood up so gracefully that it was a pleasure to look at them. " This strikes me as having the very movement and all the deliciouswhimsicality of a school-boy's troubled dream. It has
...the delectableabsurdity of the dream's inverted logic. You feel with what beautifulzest it was written; how childishly the author himself relished it. Theillusion is therefore perfect. The big child who played with his puppettheatre until after he was grown up is quite visible in every line. Heis as much absorbed in the story as any of his hearers. He is all in thegame with the intense engrossment of a lad I knew, who, while playingRobinson Crusoe, ate snails with relish for oysters.

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